Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Beartooth Song, lyrics, and download link

I'll post Beartooth song with the lyrics.
Check Them Out.!


I found my vice
I found my vice
It lives in a bottle and wants me to die

I found my vice
I found my vice
It lives in a bottle and wants me to die

But i wanna be alive

(verse 1)

God i wanna call you my father
I'm sick of drinking my life away
I can't remember anything
This isn't fun anymore
My body's glued to the floor
When did my king start living inside a glass bottle?

I'm dying, I'm done lying to myself
If i'm living, its inside a hollow shell
My stomach is bleeding
But im still drinking
A hole inside me is now more than a metaphor

(pre chorus)
I guess a bottle can't save my life
I guess a bottle can't tame my mind

This is my reward, a barely beating heart
But i still lie to myself, i always lie to myself
My hands are in the air, and God i hope you're there 
Cause i can't make it myself, i'll never make it myself

(verse 2)
Standing up just to fall back down
Screaming nonsense to hear the sound
It doesn't matter if nobody's around

I'll hit the bottom just to feel the ground

Substance therapy never set me free 
Substance therapy never set me free 

-Pre chorus x2


I don't know about you, but i'm admitting now that i have a problem

I have a problem
I have a problem
I have a problem
I have a problem


(Verse 1)
I'm in love with the end of my rope
Ripping appart what i'll never sow
I'm alive somewhere deep in my soul
But it's a light that refuses to glow

Stay in the boat, and keep your voices down

Our words will outlast our minds
Our scars will outlast our lives

(Verse 2)
We're all alone in the end of it all
Screaming out for the pain to stop
Forgive me
Forget me
I swear I'm not worth your time

Keep your eyes peeled 
Keep your ears peeled
For the end of the world


Set my tongue on fire

Set me on fire


( I havent the lyric yet. :D cz caleb not post the lyric on beartooth youtube channel :D )


Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

My Words About Caleb Shomo

Great music, great vocal characteristic, and more, awesome personality, Make caleb shomo is one of my favorite scream singer. He is music producer too for some band, he have other side project called 'CLASS', DJ mixture, and some great electronic music is what caleb did since he is young before join Attack Attack!. (FYI : Now he is depart from AA! and make a new band called BEARTOOTH, check my last post).

Okay This is A few words about Caleb that I copy from wiki.

Caleb Joshua Shomo (born on December 1, 1992) is an American musician and record producer. He is the current lead vocalist of "Beartooth", the former lead vocalist of Attack Attack!, and the owner of Studio Records in Columbus, Ohio. Shomo joined Attack Attack! as keyboardist at 15 years old while maintaining a passion for electronic music and eventually grew into record production by 18.

As of 2012 Shomo joined the band Beartooth after his departure from Attack Attack!. This band was originally called "Noise" but they later found out the name was already taken and thus changed the name to "Beartooth". On December 18th 2012, Beartooth released their first single called "I Have a Problem". Beartooth announced via Twitter that their first single would be downloadable on iTunes in January 2013. On December 23rd 2012, Beartooth released their second single called "Set Me On Fire". Caleb announced that Beartooth's first show would be on January 31st, 2013 in his and the band's hometown of Columbus Ohio. The supporting acts are the bands My Ticket Home and Sylar. The band has also announced later dates that they will be playing throughout the spring of 2013. Beartooth released their third single "Pick Your Poison" on January 23rd 2013

Later in 2012, he announced an EP for his EDM project called CLASS, with the first single released being "Take Me Away". Soon after the song "Use Your Vowels" was released. The full EP was put up for sale on Itunes on January 2nd.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Candi Plaosan

Di daerah Klaten Jawa Tengah terdapat Candi yang cukup unik dan mungkin (sepengetahuan saya) belum cukup terkenal. Ya, CANDI PLAOSAN. Saya tidak sengaja mengunjungi candi ini ketika saya dan keluarga melakukan perjalanan dari Merapi ke Solo.

Berikut foto yang dapat saya abadikan bersama keluarga di CANDI PLAOSAN yang terletak di daerah Klaten Jawa Tengah.

Candi yang menurut saya cukup unik ini sendiri sekarang kondisinya sudah tidak terawat, terbukti dengan kondisi candi yang rusak parah. Sangat disayangkan padahal candi ini merupakan peninggalan prasejarah yang sangat bernilai, terlebih dapat menjadi obyek wisata.

Dan yang lebih unik lagi, dalam guest list di security office di candi plaosan ini sendiri, saya lihat lebih banyak turis dari luar negeri yang berkunjung ke candi ini daripada orang Indonesia sendiri. Ada beberapa turis berasal dari Malaysia .

Check more about Candi Plaosan 

Beartooth (Caleb Shomo 's New Band)

Setelah Caleb Shomo memutuskan keluar (officially)  pada 18 Desember 2012 , dia telah membentuk band baru bernama BEARTOOTH. Band yang beraliran post hardcore ini beranggotakan 4 orang termasuk caleb. Tiga anggota lainnya adalah orang orang yang terlibat dengan AA! or Attack Attack! baik ketika tour ataupun rekaman, Dimana Mereka adalah teman dekat dari caleb sendiri.

So check Their Song That upload on youtube.


enjoy guys.!

Reason why i start blogging again..

Yeah, sekarang tanggal 29 januari 2013. Saya beberapa menit yang lalu sedang boring melihat laptop saya, entah kenapa saya ingin melihat isi kotak kecil berisi tumpukan dan salah satunya adalah video kenangan ketika saya masih di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Yap, ketika memutar video tersebut flashback memori ketika SMP pun menyeruak, kenangan yang bertahun tahun sudah terlewati tersebut seakan kembali menyeruak ke permukaan.

Kenangan baik dan buruk pun muncul ke permukaan. Tak berhenti di situ, saya membongkar lemari susun yang berisi perkakas lawas yang sudah usang. Saya menemukan beberapa berkas yang berisi barang yang berasal dari masa SMP saya (Sebenarnya ini adalah secarik kertas ujian saya ketika saya masih SMP dan SMA, dan dari sekian kertas tersebut semua nya terpampang nilai yang sangat buruk, ketahuan sudah kebiasaaan saya dulu menyembunyikan kertas ujian yang nilai nya buruk waktu saya duduk di bangku SMP dan SMA) 

Beberapa stuff lain, seperti Binder, gantungan kunci, buku buku lawas pun ikut ku ambil, menjadi saksi bisu yang membawa ku kembali ke jaman SMP tersebut.

Okay, singkatnya.. hal itulah yang menyebabkan saya mempunyai minat untuk nge blog gak jelas seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang ini.

BTW, saya mempunyai blog dari saya masih di SMA, dan singkat cerita juga saya lupa email dan password nya. So, saya membuka lembaran baru dengan membuat blog baru.

Okay, i think You will get sick when u've already read my words until ends. :D BAD GRAMMAR by the way.